Monday, April 6, 2009

Prayer Requests For My Second Week Away

- Protection over my heart, mind, thoughts and actions
- Physical protection over Renita and our children at home
- His will regarding Tuesday's job interview
- Opportunity to spend time with Josh, Tom, and others according to His will
- Time to finish preparing for Thursday evening's chapel service at NCCF
- Attitude which reflects the character of Christ in the face of life
- Courage to overtly live, speak and display the gospel to those I'm working/staying with


Arlene said...

Depend on me to kneel with your name top o the list.

brother_barabbas said...

I just had the job interview and I am SCARED TO DEATH!! Why do things with great potential have such a high risk factor? Lord? I have a follow-up interview Thur, 1 pm.

danny2 said...

good to see an update. will definitely be praying!

Arlene said...

Did you know my interview went awesome, thot I had the job in the bag...then weeks went by...waiting, waiting... and I findally found out they went with someone else. So sad.