Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Should They Be......?

Jeffrey Dahmer killed people and then ate them.
Timothy McVey bombed a building housing a day care center.
OJ Simpson killed his ex-wife and her 'new' boyfriend and then lied about it and walked free.

Suppose any (or all) of these men were to be saved. How would you honestly feel about it?


Landon said...

By the time we knew, if we ever did, we would be new. So its only theoretical.

brother_barabbas said...

Rumor has it that Jeffrey Dahmer was actually converted in prison before he was murdered in a prison bathroom. Though it may be theoretical (which I don't believe it is) our hearts react to this kind of information. How does your heart immediately react to the possibility?

Norma said...

"Behold I make all things new" the old is passed away when we become new creatures in Christ. As horrible as their crimes were, God's grace is still sufficcient. Should they accept Christ's great plan of salvation we might have to spend eternity with them so we might as well get used to rubbing shoulders with ex-sinners here. :)

Geneva said...

forgiven! God can so we can too! That doesn't mean they should be set free! Read "Forgiving the Dead Man Walking"

Norma said...

I agree Geneva, I've met believers in prison ministry who I consider my brothers and sisters in Christ but that doesn't mean they are ready to be released.

Havilah said...

Think I would have more to work through if it was one of my loved ones that J.D. ate, but w/that said...it just fills me w/awe that the Lord and the power of the Holy Spirit is stronger than the demonic power that would cause a person to commit such atrocities. Glory to His name.

danny2 said...

if God is willing, through the shed blood of Christ, to forgive me of my horrific sin--for which i am quite acquainted with--why would i be surprised that He would forgive theirs through faith?

(by the way, OJ ALLEGEDLY...)

Kati said...

Honestly, I am the worst sinner I know. If the cross is sufficient for ME...

Rachel said...

I think it is easy to SAY that they're forgiven, because we know God forgives. but most of the time it's easy to say, quite another to actually have a heart that doesn't immediately react in a negative way.

Nate said...

The power of Christ to transform a person from the inside out is something that we will neer understand here on this earth. We live it and know that it is true because we are ALL SINNERS saved by GRACE! praise the Lord for His work and we should be rejoycing in it. I totally agree though, if it happened to be my family that was killed it would be a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit that would give me the capacity to forgive them.

Amy Mohler said...

it makes me feel like God's grace is bigger & deeper than we can even imagine... it covers me... it covers them...

Mary said...

Forgiveness does not mean setting a person free or letting them back into your life after they are forgiven. Forgivness means when that person comes to mind and you are angry again, you give up your right to get even because God passes out judgement ,not you. The Bible says be angry and sin not...not ignore sin and let it keep happening.