Saturday, December 1, 2007

When God's HOT, He's HOT!!

And I say unto you, Make friends for yourselves by means of the wealth of unrighteousness, so that when it fails, they will receive you into eternal dwellings

Loyalties were realized today.............Praise GOD!!


Anonymous said...

soooo....something big must have happened? Can I have details?

brother_barabbas said...

God never shuts one door without opening another one. Quite often, though under no obligation to do so, this second door is a far greater opportunity than the first door ever was. (Read Divine Delays below) Today I realized the blessing of the second door being opened and how using 'unrighteous wealth' to establish genuine relationships can return blessing to the friendly one!

I prayed this morning that the Lord would cause me to 'rejoice regardless'. While it's hard to understand the regardless when the day goes better than the best expectation, suffice it to say, rejoicing abounds!

Sam Garber said...

Not to change the subject but I thought of you (O Brother where art thou) when we were watching a movie and hit upon "the nieghborhood of 'B'" =D

brother_barabbas said...

And from whence dost thou presume one such as myself adopted as statement as eluded to?

...and regarding where I 'art' (which I know you weren't questioning but I'll answer, nevertheless); I was 'art' communicating with my bearded, hatted, suspender wearing 'friends'! ;-)

Anonymous said...


Put you heart into it. You're a talented individual. What's it going to hurt? God has given you a family to care for. While that may seem burdensome at times, remember that he also has given you the means to do it if you trust him in faith. Strive to work hard and don't give up hope of his provisioning for your family. Keep on top of it. Not for yourself, but for your family.

Jacob worked 14 years of his life just to simply 'get' the wife he loved. In the end, he did get her. Would God bless someone who is slothful?

There's an idea out there that says that 'work' is evil. I guess I feel like that's a lie. Sure, work is part of God's curse to us men for our sin. But somehow, in God's wisdom, he thought it best to make us men toil for our provision in part, because of our sin. When we 'reject' or 'rebel' against hard work - are we not really telling God that his wisdom stinks?

I'm not trying to accuse you of being slothful, but I feel like there's a lot of 'pressure' these days to avoid hard 'work'. Work is not bad for us humans. It is just part of us because of our fleshly state. Just like nothing's going to take away a woman's pain during childbirth; nothings going to make a man's struggle in make ends meet in his household go away. Hang in there and Praise God.


Anonymous said...

Well...I'm glad you're rejoicing. Whatever it was.