Saturday, April 26, 2008

Missed It

I meet with a group of men for Bible study every other Saturday morning. Two weeks ago I was out of town, so I missed it. Apparently that schedule disruption messed up my internal calendar because this morning would have been the next opportunity and I missed it entirely. I have been slightly less than gracious toward others when they 'forget' so I guess it's my turn to eat humble pie.

edit: I found out that everybody else forgot this morning too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Because of a near traumatic experience that resulted from me missing an "accountability meeting" I have little sympathy for you my brother.

But I still love you. -grin

I do relate to getting those divine "spankings". Been getting a boatload lately. Hurts. I welcome it though. And from that angle, yes, I understand and I care.

But not about the meeting thing. Yes, I WAS traumatized. LOL
