Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Is It A Call?

How does a person know for sure when God is calling them into a life of total trust?

In the last 4 months I haven't been able to find full-time employment. God has been faithful. Every month there has been enough money to pay the bills on time and buy groceries. We haven't even been required to lower our standard of living. Nevertheless, I have a hard time trusting for the next time. It seems so irresponsible to assume God wants to provide for my family in this way long-term.

As I continue pursuing employment I run into one road block after another disappointment after another empty promise. The jobs I have a good 'gut' feeling about get filled by a 'more qualified' candidate or one with 'contacts'. The people who say they'll call me back regardless never do. The people who 'believe in me' can't offer me what my budget needs to break even.

All the while, in my heart I continue feeling a call to a more full-time ministry. The prison I volunteer at (New Castle Correctional Facility) is always asking, crying, begging for more 'first shift' volunteers. My heart is pulled there, my passion is there, my fulfillment comes from those kind of things. However, there's one catch, it's all volunteer. There is no current, nor is there any prospective, staff positions at NCCF for which I'm qualified. Is God really calling me to full-time volunteer ministry? If so, why does it feel so irresponsible? If so, how will my family be provided for? If so, why am I so afraid to walk in faith? If not, how do I explain the burden on my heart?


Anonymous said...

well...God is always calling us into a life of total trust, but don't ask me what that actually means or looks like!

Anonymous said...

This dilemma you are experiencing must be so frustrating ~ and I certainly don't have any answers. But you do have our prayers ~ blessings and peace to you and yours.

Sam Garber said...

It could be, after all, the good Meshiach said: So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God." And he said to his disciples, "Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing. Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds! (Luke 12:21-24)

danny2 said...

i would be cautious to embrace an all out mystic view of things. it's easy for us to quote passages that seem to say, "go for it aaron! God will provide everything you need for surely He wants you to do this. it seems to be giving up all you have for the sake of the gospel!"

however, there are a few things to remember:

a) this is your life, not mine. therefore, it can be a temptation to be quite bold about what you should do, and there is minimal effect to me (compared to you) if i give you bad advice.

b) becoming a full time missionary and turning away from all was not always the call of the Messiah (luke 8:38-39).

c) there are specific calls in your life that you can be SURE of:

your call to Christ as a disciple
your call to love your wife as Christ loves the church
you call to love your children as Our Father loves us

we have to keep a proper perspective of God's will that allows for paul to counsel "marry whoever you wish...only in the Lord (1 corinthians 7:39). now, if such a monumental decision like a spouse is not predetermined in such a fatalistic way...we must make sure our concept of "calling" is not more restrictive than that. in paul's writing, the restriction to understanding the will of God in regard to marriage was that it must still be "in the Lord." in the same way, any calling must fit within the Lord's clear commands for life.

if this calling could fit under those parameters...it could be really cool.

if not...then it isn't from God.