Friday, January 9, 2009

In Memory

As I sat at my desk this morning studying and having my morning quiet time/devotion I had a nagging feeling that there was something significant about January 9th. I mentally ran through the list of all my friends and their birthdays/anniversaries. None of them aligned with today. Throughout the morning I continued revisiting the issue but coming up empty as to what the significance was.

Sometime around 9:00 my dear wife called me and asked, 'Do you have any idea what today is?' 'No', I replied, 'but I know it's something because I have something in my spirit.' 'You really have no idea?', she asked. 'None......what is January 9th? ........Jan 9......Jan 9......Jan 9.......OH MY WORD!!! I CANNOT believe I forgot!!'

3 years ago today my own Dad 'exchanged time for eternity'. How could I EVER miss something as life-altering as that?

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