Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Religion, Inc.

religion - a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects:

I hate religion. Period. I hate everything about it. I hate the way it controls a person. I hate the way it defines a person. I hate the way it imposes extra-Biblical standards on a person (I especially despise that one). I hate the way its followers despise people who don't conform to their standard. I hate the way it casts suspicion and doubt on everyone. I simply hate all that religion entails. Or at least I say I do. Yet...

...I find myself being so religious.

How can I hate religion and yet attempt to use it, simultaneously? Why is it so hard to be a disciple of Jesus the Christ without attaching all the 'stuff'? I look at my wife and children; I think to future prodigy; I look at my 'weak' brothers and sisters; etc, and in every situation I turn to religion to answer the doubts, fears and questions I have. Why? Either I hate religion or I love it. No man can serve two masters. I know that. I cannot turn to religion to answer these issues and 'give them to Jesus'. Either I 'give them to Jesus' or I get religious about them. One or the other. Period.

But I don't know how to 'give them to Jesus' so I 'get religious'. I make rules. I create guidelines. I impose standards. I generate extra-Biblical structure to keep this, or that, from happening. I draw lines. I build boxes. I attempt to get everyone in my sphere of influence to conform.

I LOVE religion!!

edit: I've had pointed out to me in private conversation regarding this issue that religion is not an inherently bad thing. I agree with that; I have to because James talks about 'pure religion'. However, in this context when I use the term religion I'm talking about the Colossians 2:20-23 stuff. You know, the 'touch not, taste not, handle not!' stuff. That stuff which 'are of no value against fleshly indulgence.'


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good thoughts!(or bad ones:)) Thanks for being so honest in all your posts! This is encouraging to me to know that there are others who I may look at (no names mentioned!:)) & think they have it all together but they're human & have struggles in their walk with the Lord too. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Keep it up, Bro. Great post.

Keep fighting the good fight!