Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Prayer Requests

I have two specific prayer requests. This is an awkward forum to share these requests in because there are people involved in both situations who read this blog. However, I assure you that none of the specifics of either situation are personal. I simply feel the need for prayer in these two areas.

1 - Please pray with me that the ministry team with which I go to New Castle Correctional Facility will become a unified team. In the past we have experienced unity and communion together. Pray that that will return. Pray with me that we will be able to give a 'distinct sound' rather than each of us speaking in our own 'tongue'. Pray that the unity of the spirit of God, our Father, will again bind our team together.

2 - Pray that Greenville Fellowship will experience the dream that I believe our Father has for us. Pray against the spirit of competition which can so easily rise up within our hearts. Pray that our Father will grant us a united vision. Further pray that not only will we each affirm that vision, but that we will also confirm it in one another as each one works out that vision in their own individual way. Pray, with me, against the onslaught of Satan as he works tenaciously to divide and conquer!

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