Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Time Marches On

Monday, January 9, 2006
It started like any normal Monday for me. I remember little (if any) before 1:50pm. I undoubtedly got up and went to work that morning. Being a Monday, I presume I (at some point or another) was in and out of the office and probably got product for delivery either that day or the next. About 1:40 I arrived at my children's school to teach elementary music from 2:00-2:45. Then the phone rang......'Dad's not reponding.'

Two years ago today time stood still in my life. Two years ago next Monday (according to date), or this Saturday (according to weeks), I saw my Dad's body for, presumably, the last time on this earth. Who would have thought that day that time would ever move again?

Time marches on!


Anonymous said...

Time does heal, and memories stay with you, and it's okay to talk about it. That helps the healing. The Lord gives the strength and healing.

Sam Garber said...

Time is a trip, infamous for marching on, seemingly unscathed by the horrors in its wake. Shall we hit that tavern, mate?

Anonymous said...

and i'm so glad it does! I can't imagine staying in the pain of 20 years ago! (Dec. 22nd- the day forever etched in my memory)

Anonymous said...

Amen to Sis, Marg. The missing never stops, the pain does dull, the tears fall less often, Jesus does comfort. "Some glad morning..." "What a day that will be..." "Till we meet..." goes on. ~Deb

Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, I can remember thinking how wrong it was that I could walk down the street and other people just acted like nothing had happened! Didn't they know that everything had changed? At the time you think life can never be the same again (and in a way it isn't) but time makes the memories soft instead of jagged-edged.

Time does march on, but it won't forever. Thank God we can look forward to seeing them again!