Thursday, January 31, 2008


We received a card in the mail yesterday that perplexed us. Maybe you can help us figure out what it means.

The outside:
A Prayer for Overcoming An Addiction

The inside:
Dear God,
I really need your strength
in overcoming my addiction
This craving has become
a dominant force in my life.
I need your love
to unchain me from
this prison I've created.
Please surround me
with Your love and guidance
to help me fight
this great temptation.
Give me strength so that
I can win this battle.
I know with you
everything is possible.
I so need Your love and support.

The signature:
Friends who care (in a child's handwriting)


lisa said...

maybe someone thought you would like to use it in your ministery at the prison?

Anonymous said...

For goodness sake, why can't people just say what they mean and sign their name instead of beating around some imaginary bush? Like Lisa said, it would be really good to use at the prison ~

Anonymous said...

i know, i know...

Anonymous said...

Could it possibly have come from some of the men you minster to in prison?

Anonymous said...

I might have thought someone who had an addiction (other than absolute dependance discovered in Christ of course) wanted someone to pray for them - but didn't want that someone to know who they were or that they had an addiction.

Signed "friends who care" sort of shoots that idea.

Possibly some one is afraid you and Renita are addicted to having children - thus the childs hand writing.

Give us some more clues . .. was the card a commercial purchase or was it homemade?

What an odd card - I wouldn't suggest reading it at prison randomly without a few disclaimers - or maybe that's just me.

The childs handwriting is the part that gets me "suffer the little children to be used as leverage to accomplish their parents prejudice. Okay, I've spent way to much time on stupid anonymous slopaganda. Anonymity is retarded. Good night.

Anonymous said...

The above commentor is an oxymoron "wouldntyouliketoknow" they say "anonymity is retarded" and the comment anonymously - hello - that's an oxymoron

Sam Garber said...

What's up with the anonymous comments?

Sam Garber said...

A Poem for Overcoming An Anonym

To whom it may concern,
I really need somebody’s strength
in overcoming my anonymity
This caving has become
a hidden farce in my life.
I need a name
to hold me accountable for
These stupid poems I've created.
Please surround me
with lights and sounds
to help me identify
this great infatuation.
Give me strength so that
I can face up to my prattle.
I know with a name
everything is more plausible.
I so need a face and a name.

RAM said...

Now we all know how to mess with your mind...

Anonymous said...

You are right, Aaron, that the card is ridiculous. The ridiculous part is that it was sent anonymously.

This is not the kind of thing that should be sent anonymously. It would be one thing if it was the sort of card that said, "Just wanted you to know that you are loved and admired...etc." That would be appropriate to be sent anonymously. But this card was entirely inappropriate to be sent to you without a signature and context.

It was obviously sent from someone who doesn't know the difference between "come here" and "sick em".

Anonymous said...

Whoa. Now that's weird. Have to wonder what the thought process was. I guess if you don't have any secret addictions, I wouldn't stress about it much. :)

Marg, I think the ADDICTion you're talking about is one we don't want to kick!

Anonymous said...

I'm so confused. The only addiction I know is your love for Christ. Last time I checked, that wasn't a bad thing. Is there some secret addiction you've not been telling us about? Perhaps your tavern visits have gotten out? I would totally disregard the card. I would in fact throw it away and pay no mind to it. It's obviously someone that is trying to bother you and it worked. Don't let the works of the devil overcome. Pay no mind to the mindless? I don't know I'm just rambling. I hope you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

What city was it postmarked in...?
Any saliva or hair you could use for DNA?
Does it have any familiar scent?
Is the card implying something?