Sunday, October 28, 2007

By Faith

This morning during Sunday school and the sermon I saw something I've never seen before in Hebrews 11. Catch this, [they] 'by faith...performed acts of righteousness...'. The 'they' it's referring to is those who died without 'receiv(ing) what was promised'. Obviously it's referring to those who lived in/during what we refer to as the Old Testament. The cool thing I saw wasn't that they performed acts of righteousness, or the Law, but that they did them/it 'by faith'. I've quoted many times and hammered (in a kind way of course) Titus 3:5 (He saved us, not on the basis of righteous deeds we have done, but according to His mercy...). When I saw that in Hebrews 11 this morning, I couldn't believe how nicely it dovetailed. The righteous deeds themself, didn't have any inherent value beyond themself, but the faith that motivated the 'do-er's' to do them did! Those deeds evidenced the faith, which motivated God's mercy, which resulted in blessing to the 'do-er', based on (or as a result of) their faith!

Open for discussion.....


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I LOVE it when Scriptures that we have read and reread become new. Great comments from you...

I suggest leaving your xanga to be able to link to this site, for those who like xanga.

danny2 said...

just further enforcement for when you tore the page between the old and new testaments out of your Bible!