Monday, October 29, 2007

Why Try?

I received the following in an email:

Acts 18:24-19:7
Ministry of Apollos

Now there came to Ephesus a Jew named Apollos,
a native of Alexandria. He was an eloquent man,
well-versed in the scriptures. He had been instructed
in the Way of the Lord; and he spoke with burning
enthusiasm and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus...
Can the same be said of you and your ministry?

Suppose someone answered that question with a 'Yes'. What would we think of them? Why do ask questions and then condemn people for answering them? We heard yesterday that spiritual immaturity IS NOT a character strength. Never should we be satisfied with less than spiritual growth (in ourself or others). Why do we condemn as proud those who are willing to admit that by the grace of God they can honestly answer the above question with a 'Yes'? Should that not be the goal of each one of us; and if the goal, should we not presume we'll accomplish it?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

By Faith

This morning during Sunday school and the sermon I saw something I've never seen before in Hebrews 11. Catch this, [they] 'by faith...performed acts of righteousness...'. The 'they' it's referring to is those who died without 'receiv(ing) what was promised'. Obviously it's referring to those who lived in/during what we refer to as the Old Testament. The cool thing I saw wasn't that they performed acts of righteousness, or the Law, but that they did them/it 'by faith'. I've quoted many times and hammered (in a kind way of course) Titus 3:5 (He saved us, not on the basis of righteous deeds we have done, but according to His mercy...). When I saw that in Hebrews 11 this morning, I couldn't believe how nicely it dovetailed. The righteous deeds themself, didn't have any inherent value beyond themself, but the faith that motivated the 'do-er's' to do them did! Those deeds evidenced the faith, which motivated God's mercy, which resulted in blessing to the 'do-er', based on (or as a result of) their faith!

Open for discussion.....

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Where Should I Blog?

Living below in this old cyber world
Hardly a blogspot can afford
Striving along to face temptation sore
Where should I blog for all the hordes?

Where should I blog oh where should I blog
Seeking a blogspot for my soul
Needing a site where friends can hear me in the end
Where should I blog for all the hordes?

Life here is grand with friends I love so dear
Comfort I get from Xanga-ing
Yet when I face the chilling cyberblog
Where should I blog for all the hordes?

I can't decide, should I remain Xanga or go blogspot? Why?

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Comment Account

This is currently my comment account. I blog at this address.